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We practiced a DNA extraction using cheek cells, cell lysis solutions, and ethanol. We each used a solution of salt and water to collect the cells, then we each put the mixture into our own test tubes. We added 2 mL of cell lysis solution to the tubes and inverted them about five times. Then, we carefully added ethanol to the top, making sure that the ethanol and the mixture from the test tube did not mix. The test tubes were allowed to rest for about ten minutes.


We went over the quiz from Monday, and we briefly discussed DNA replication.



We had a short quiz on replication and DNA supercoiling. 


We did not do much for this session, but we did talk more about our proposed projects.


During this session, we briefly reviewed DNA replication and transcription. We also brought annotated bibliographies that each had three sources. These sources related to our proposed projects.


This session was used to review DNA supercoiling. We discussed how DNA is supercoiled, as well as the differences betweeen eukaryotic supercoiling and prokaryotic supercoiling.


In class, we reviewed the basic structure of DNA (the double helix structure) and we looked into the iGem teams from last year. We will each select a team to evaluate; we will find the strengths and weaknesses of their projects and websites so that we can have a strong foundation for our project.


Today, we worked out some problems with the website and lab notebook so that we can move forward with our project and keep a solid record of our activities.


Today in class we had a discussion about the possible outcomes of synthetic biology and went through an exercise to find out what we need to work on before we start our project.


This was the first day we met for the semester. We read three articles about relatively recent advances in synthetic biology. 

Lab Notebook-Acree

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